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“Crime and Punishment”
Genre: philosophical, psychological novel, Russian literature

A book, which makes me think every single time that I read is a Russian novel “Prestuplenie I Nakazanie” by Fyodor Dostoevsky.
“Crime and Punishment” was published in 1866 in the Russian journal.
It is one of the most complex works of Russian literature as a whole.

The book tells about a poor destitute student Rodion Raskolnikov, who committed a horrible double homicide due to a lust for material values.
In the beginning of the novel the writer describes him as a kind, patient individual, yet with an evil intent. Bad thoughts generate bad actions, so he committed the crime.
He couldn’t use the money that he obtained from the crime due to moral torture, and the story starts expanding. 
The entire story runs through with the mental anguish and moral dilemmas, which makes this work extremely sensible. 

“Crime and Punishment” is significant and valuable and it is worth the time spent reading.

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